Pulp Therapy
A tooth’s “pulp” is invisible to the naked eye. It’s a complex network of nerves, tissues, and blood vessels that carries nutrients and oxygen to and from the tooth’s centre. The pulp can be harmed in a variety of ways. The painfully exposed pulp and inflammation most commonly occur in children as a result of cavities or other traumatic injuries
Root canal, pulpotomy, pulpectomy, and nerve treatment are all terms that refer to paediatric pulp therapy, which is also called paediatric pulp therapy. Treatment, restoration, and preservation of the tooth are the primary goals of pulp therapy.
Pulp therapy is done by paediatric dentists on baby and permanent teeth. While baby teeth eventually fall out, they are essential for speech production, chewing, and proper alignment of the permanent teeth, all of which are delayed until then.
When Should You Seek Medical Attention If You Suspect Pulp Infection Or Lesions?
Pulp swelling or injury is excruciatingly painful. Regardless of whether the cause of the child’s discomfort is visible, the need for a paediatric dentist is obvious.
Additionally, Keep An Eye Out For The Following Signs:
Constant and unexplained pain
Pains in the evenings Sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures
Pain and swelling around the tooth that’s been knocked out
Unexpected tooth sensitivity or resiliency
When is pulp therapy appropriate for a child?
Every circumstance is distinct. Before recommending tooth extraction or pulp therapy, the paediatric dentist will examine the child’s mouth, the tooth’s position, and the child’s age and general health.
Premature tooth extraction or tooth loss can have a number of negative consequences.
The arc’s length can be reduced.
It’s possible that permanent teeth won’t be able to erupt properly if the baby teeth fall out.
Teeth on either side of the one you want can develop or be removed.
An impact on the premolars can be excruciating.
The remaining teeth may be able to “move” to take up the void left by the extracted tooth.
If the tongue is located in an unusual place, this could be problematic.
What is pulp therapy, and why would you want it?
An x-ray and visual examination of the affected areas will be conducted by the paediatric dentist first. The type of treatment will be determined by the extent and location of the pulp damage. Even though there are numerous other options, paediatric pulpotomies and pulpectomies are among the most frequently used procedures.
Pediatric dentists have the option of performing a pulpotomy, which leaves the healthy pulp intact while removing the affected pulp and the cavities around it. This procedure is used when the root of the pulp does not have any lesions or cavities, meaning the problem is only in the tip of the pulp. The resulting cavity is filled with a biocompatible therapeutic substance that fights infection while also softening the pulp root. After treatment, it’s not uncommon for a crown to be placed on the tooth. The crown reinforces the tooth’s structure, reducing the chance of fracture in the future.
Pulpotomy is a treatment that can be used in a wide variety of situations. Baby teeth and permanent teeth can have it done as a stand-alone procedure, or as the first step in a root canal treatment.
If a cavity or bump is severe enough, the entire pulp of the tooth may need to be removed (including the root canals). This is when the paediatric dentist will have to remove the pulp, clean the root canals, and use a biocompatible material to seal the space. This procedure is usually carried out over the course of several office visits.
When it comes to filling baby teeth, resorbable materials are commonly used, while non-resorbable materials are preferred for use in permanent teeth. A crown is usually placed on the tooth at the end of treatment to reinforce it and give it more structural support. If the child prefers, the crown can be made to look more natural by painting it that colour.